GoodGym Derby has recently got up and running, so come and join us to get fit by doing good! We’re a team of volunteers who are passionate about lending a hand to help within our community. We meet up and run, walk or cycle to support local groups and organisations in and around Derby. This could be anything from clearing an allotment plot, painting a fence or helping to sort food donations. This means that volunteers get the chance to help out in the community as well as maintaining a level of fitness at the same time, making it easier to fit these goals into a busy schedule. Groups that need our help can reach out to us and as volunteers we help out free of charge – simply giving our time and enthusiasm. 

“I love the combination of exercise with supporting others, putting that energy to good use. The exercise improves my health. I’m happier for doing something positive in the world, and the organisations we help feel good when they see the impact of a short burst of people power. Everyone benefits!” 

Good Gym derby member – naomi

What are the values of GoodGym Derby?

  • To support people getting fit and meeting others
  • No-one gets left behind – GoodGym welcomes all abilities from all backgrounds
  • We encourage a social and fun environment for volunteering and fitness sessions 
  • Fitness is at the core of what we do and we support runners to set goals and get involved in a range of sessions to see improvements 

Where it all began for Good Gym

GoodGym was founded on the belief that the gym is a waste of energy and by combining exercise with doing good, the individual and community reaps the benefits. Before launching formally in 2009, the founder, Ivo Gormley, had been running along with friends to visit older and isolated people to provide companionship. If this is something you would be interested in doing, you can be paired with a local resident and visit them regularly. It’s a great way to manage your accountability and stay on track with your fitness goals as you have a purpose for your run or bike ride and know that someone is eagerly awaiting a catchup with you. 

GoodGym now operates in over 50 areas of the UK and at Derby we are always ready to welcome new volunteers to join us. 

How can someone request our help?

Any charity, community group or individual can request our help as long as it benefits the community in some way. We ask for a few details about what help is required, how many volunteers would be needed and what sort of dates would be suitable for the volunteering to take place. The volunteering opportunity is then listed on the GoodGym website for volunteers to sign up to if they are interested and available. 

Here’s our online form to request free help for a community project:

How can you get I personally get involved with GoodGym Derby?

Our regular meeting night for a social fitness/general training session is Tuesday and we also meet to volunteer on other nights and weekends. There’s no set commitment as to how often you meet with us and we cater for all abilities and paces, come along when you’re available for a social meet and to do some good within the community. Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to join us, we have an age requirement for volunteers as we work with vulnerable adults in some situations. 

Take a look at our One Stop Wellbeing profile for more info own GoodGym Derby! On here you’ll find links to our website, and be able to book your session with us! All you will need is a pair of trainers and some older clothes for volunteering so you can get stuck in with some physical work. 

You can also follow us on social media:

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