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A short lockdown story… Here we go again; January 2021 finding myself moving all my furniture around making some space to create a bedroom studio for online classes…the third time I’ve done this.It felt different this time, I had a lot of motivation, I put on 1 or 2 classes a day to keep my team enthusiastic with being at…

Energee Derby

My name is Georgie, and I have found my passion. I have found what I want to do for the rest of my life. They say, if you love what you do you will never work a day in your life. I can confirm that this is definitely the case! I have always been into fitness and exercise, from a…

Déda’s doors are back open

Déda’s doors are back open

Déda’s doors are back open and the team is excited to welcome you inside for a summer of dance, events and exhibitions. Déda is delighted to reopen its doors to the public, with a warm welcome to all visitors to classes, events, exhibitions and Déda’s café | bar. With Covid-19 safety measures in place, including test and trace, increased cleaning and reduced…